Getting Start
Gio.js 2.0
Basic Elements
Object Design API
Color and Style API
Working with Data
Dependence Interface
Advanced Feature
Each Country corresponds to a specific code in CountryData. Depending on data availability and user activity, a Country can be in the following states:
When the user clicks on a Country, it is highlighted and becomes selected. The country is called a selected country.
The color of Selected country can be set through configure() as follows:
        color: {
Or it can be changed dynamically with setSelectedColor() .
Those countries connected to the selected country through 'in line' or 'out line' are called related countries.
The brightness of related countries can be set through configure() as follows:
        brightness: {
Or it can be changed dynamically with adjustRelatedBrightness(). Default value: 0.5
All other countries appear in the input dataset but are not 'selected' or 'related' are called 'mentioned'.
The Color of Mentioned country can be set to be brighter than Unmentioned country with ligtenMentioned(true); to disable this feature use ligtenMentioned(false).
The brightness of Mentioned country can be set through configure() as follow:
        color: {
Or it can be modified dynamically with adjustMentionedBrightness() when ligtenMentioned(true) is called. Default value: 0.5
Countries in CountryData but not in the input data are called 'Unmentioned'.
When a country is set to unclickable, it will be not highlighted when clicked and it will be cause the globe to rotate. (Normally after a country has been clicked, the globe will turn and let the clicked country facing the user.).
Unmentioned countries can be set to 'unclickable' through disableUnmentioned(true). To disable this feature call disableUnmentioned(false).